Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fitness for the Lavatos...

So this year the hubby and I have decided to get off our asses (literally) and get moving.
I started "running", (which is a relative term with me… I'm more of a wogger), last year when he deployed.  My goals the week after he left August 2010 were to get crack-a-lacking physically.  The homecoming previous to this deployment, I had actually GAINED weight.  Talk about being disappointed in myself when he came out of his aircraft, all fit and cute and here I was, quite the opposite.

I decided that that wouldn't happen again.  I made GOALS.

1. Lose some weight for the anticipated homecoming 9 months later and try hard to look good, fit into a CUTE dress and "wow" him.
2. Make a workout goal that I could stick to! Therefore, I signed up for the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon with my girlfriend. I figured that the ONLY way I could get free from the bondage of single motherhood was to tap into goal #1 and get a trip out of it, and it gave me 6 months to train and work my body like I had never done.
3. Make it through the deployment HAPPY.  Everyone knows that if mama ain't happy, the kids aren't either.

I made it to all my goals :)  Kids were happy, mama was happy!  AND I completed 2 half marathons!  Something happens after you workout.  The call them endorphins… I dunno if that's what helped but I think it was my running buddies, Katrina and Randi, who helped.  It was not only the workout, but the girl chatter every other day during our runs… for 8 1/2 months!  Everyone who has known me knows that this chick is NOT a runner, let alone one who likes to workout, ha ha.  I was damn proud of myself and it showed at homecoming.  Can't beat making your goals!  So, last July I signed up for the Disney Princess 1/2 again! YAY!!!

Typical of the USMC, we were able to squeeze in a surprise move in November (which required 6 weeks of planning, house hunting and packing/unpacking), get sick, COLDNESS I hadn't felt outside in over a decade…  the training has NOT been what it has been like last year.  I have kids AND a husband to take care of this time too, as well as figure out a new house, neighborhood and routine.  This is like opposite from my training last year :( Whatever.  I may not be where I want to be in the training like last year, but I'm still committed-ish.

Committed enough now that there's 6 weeks to go to the Princess I'm back on track.  AND… I signed up for the 8k Shamrock Run in March at Va. Beach as well as the Run Like A Diva 1/2 marathon with a gaggle of friends in Myrtle Beach in May.  I guess I'm committed again :) The hubby even mentioned that he "might" be interested in running a WHOLE marathon in October!!! (this is unheard of in the Lavato family!).  WE have GOALS here, baby!

It's so inspiring reading some of these other ladies' blogs about how they've set their minds on a goal and reached it, surpassed it, and gone and conquered it.  If there's one thing I've realized about women is that once they set their minds on something, they'll stop at nothing to get what they want! ha ha! I'd like to do that some day.  I guess I'll never be a true "runner" but I think I can pretend to be, if I keep setting these goals :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Starting off fresh for 2012

Awhile ago, (like about 3 years ago), I had a neglected blog that I kept up for the sake of helping out family with the on goings of the Lavato household.  Being a military family, having 3 young boys, and managing our social calendars meant that I had trouble keeping up with the blog.  Plus with the joining of the Great Time Suck called Facebook, just that happened… it sucked in every second of my computer quiet time.  Therefore, with inspiration from a friend of mine, I've decided I'll try this blogging thing again. I don't think I'll advertise it yet and so I can possibly work on getting a few entries in.  So, stay tuned!!!